Our Facilities


This is the dog's room. It is used for training and grooming, but primarily it is the dogs' playroom, where they get to play with (or destroy... depending on the dog) their stuffed animals and other indoor toys. The dogs play in here each night before going to bed.

Play Area

This is the dogs' play yard, where they spend their days playing in the pool, digging in the dirt, and just, generally, having a great time. This area is directly off of the dog room.

Additional Play area

This is another play area (the dogs are playing outside of it), only this area has grass... and a sprinkler system... which has had to be replaced numerous times due to the creativity and determination of some very naughty Labs. Just another example of the many "home improvement" projects that our labs have undertaken during the last year.


These are our dog kennels. They are used for bitches in season, and new puppies joining our family. They also serve as a puppy play area for litters we have bred. Other than that they are usually empty, as our dogs do not spend any part of their day in kennels.

Pool Area

This is our backyard, where the dogs are encouraged to play in the pool and have fun with the family. The dogs do not run in the backyard unsupervised because we would have NO backyard in very short order. Unsupervised Labs are relegated to their play yards (and once you own a Lab you will understand why)!


This is our nursery. Our litters are whelped in this room and it's here that our puppies grow and start to explore their band new world.

Puppy Play Area

This is the new puppy play area. When eyes are open, hearing is turned on, and the pups are fairly steady on their feet, this is where they first learn to play and socialize. The pups will stay in this room until they are 4-5 weeks old.
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